
Showing posts from 2013

St Margaret of Scotland: Loving the Bible in the Church Catholic

The Missing Sacrament? Footwashing, Gender, and the Formation of Liturgy II: Bishops and Baptisms

The Missing Sacrament? Footwashing, Gender and the Formation of Liturgy I: Washing Women

The Word became flesh, and sailed into our immigration zone...

Let's Fully Welcome Refugees

Holy Saturday: Huddling as the Church Dies

Second-hand Robes, or: Jesus, Justin and Jorge Maria Get Dressed

The Gospel according to Gash-Bil-Bethuel-Bazda, or: Moses and Monty Python

Ratzinger and Rowan: Leadership and Theology

Atonement: Richard III, Shakespeare, and the King James Bible

Atonement as Paschal Victory: Sacrifice in Athanasius of Alexandria